1:1 Leadership Coaching


Optimizing results and workplace wellness

As your Leadership Coach, I help you navigate the challenges of leadership so that you can empower teams, boost results, manage stress and inspire business and personal growth.

You can think of me as your strategic partner who helps you unleash the full potential of yourself, your business and your teams. From business strategy and intentional culture creation to leadership development and stress management, I help you solve problems, seize opportunities and inspire your co-workers. 

Business strategy and personal growth

You get access to my full range of expertise, which includes both the core commercial areas as well as the human sides of business. Depending on your needs, I support you in: 

Sharpening your business strategy: including vision work, goal securement, business alignment, operational excellence, audience targeting, pricing, packaging, sales & marketing, process & work flow development, productivity and time management.  

Building a culture of well-being: including team development, conflict management, stress prevention, intentional culture creation, peer support strategies, norms targeting, social climate development, creative co-creation, mindset growth.

Growing your leadership skills: including effective self-leadership, leading through empathy, finding your authentic voice, inspiring and motivating yourself and others, setting boundaries, creating clarity, non-violent communication, building trust, giving constructive feedback, building effective teams, managing conflict. 

Managing and preventing stress: including identifying stressors in and outside of work, creating healthy habits, prioritizing tasks and projects, identifying helpful work routines and schedules, developing time management strategies, practicing mindfulness exercises, building work and life alignment.

How to get started

  1. Find out if we’re a good fit by booking a free discovery call here
  2. Sign up for your leadership coaching program.
  3. Book your sessions using the link that you will receive upon purchase.

This is included

Coaching sessions: The 1:1 Leadership Coaching gives you ongoing support during 1-hour sessions once a month for 12 consecutive months.

Chat support: If you need feedback on an urgent topic in between sessions, you can reach me on Whatsapp during work hours. I reply as quickly as possible, most often during the same day. 

Document feedback: Included is also feedback on strategic business documents, such as plans for business development, sales and marketing.

Resources: Video support and resources if needed, such as input to a specific question, articles and models. 

The 1:1 Leadership Coaching is 49500:- SEK (excluding VAT).

Your success in focus

We center the discussions around your needs at the time of each session. Upon booking your sessions, a set of questions are sent to you to help you identify those needs and come prepared to our meetings.

My role is to provide new perspectives, insights and solutions and help you stay on target and on track. Your responsibility is to show up prepared, do the work in between sessions, and stay open and committed.   

Sign up for the 1:1 Leadership Coaching or book your free discovery call to find out more

Customized packages and prices

Customized packages and prices are available for organizations that need  1:1 Leadership Coaching for multiple leaders, or for single session, in-depth brainstorming sessions. Get in touch with me for a tailored solution.  


The result of the coaching will depend on your commitment and work in between sessions. Please note that you are solely responsible for any outcomes or consequences that may arise. I do not assume any responsiblity – legal, financial, or other – for these. By purchasing my coaching services, you acknowledge and accept these terms. 

Book your call with me

Each organization is different. That’s why I tailor my work to fit your needs. From 1:1 Leadership Coaching and Group Dynamics Sessions to inspiring Talks on workplace wellness, I’ve got you covered. Book your free discovery call in the calendar below to explore your needs and how I can help.